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3. Select one of the following items with / and press OK to access.
Frame / Colour Effect / Transition Effect / Auto Makeup / Screen Mode /
Burst Playback / Interval / Repeat / Back Ground Music
4. Set with
/ and press OK to store.
(Off / Multi / Collage / Drift (+ calendar) / Drift / Gallery (+ calendar) / Gallery /
Selects the frame type of the slideshow.
9 photos are displayed orderly at once.
Each photo is displayed at a random position and random scale.
Drift (+ calendar) / Drift:
Photos are displayed with flow images.
You can select whether to display the calendar or not. The month of
calendar is changed with / .
Gallery (+ calendar) / Gallery:
Various sizes of photos in the frames are displayed.
You can select whether to display the calendar or not. The month of
calendar is changed with / .
Photos are displayed as old films (sepia tone).
Colour Effect
(Off / Sepia / Gray scale)
Selects the colour effect of photos.
Not valid when Frame is set to Drift, Gallery or Cinema
Transition Effect
(Off / Fade / Dissolve / Motion / Random)
Selects the transition effect for switching photos during the slideshow.
The next photo fades in gradually.
Each photo is dissolved when switching to the next photo.