Press the ASPECT butto n to move through the six aspect options: Panasonic Auto, 4:3, Zoom,
S --- Zoom, 16:9 and Just.
D If you leave Aspect set to Panasonic Auto, the TV software determines the best ratio for each
programme viewed. In o rder not to disrupt your viewing, no mode information is displayed while
this is happening (eg: a programme may begin in 4:3 mode then seem to jump into Just mode).
Simply press the ASPECT button to display mode information in the top left of the screen.
D A 16:9 picture has been used to illustrate all of the aspect modes described in this section.
The on screen selector keys (corresponding to the four coloured buttons on the remote control) that
appear for some Aspect functions clear after a few seconds. If you want to select an operation when the
keys are not shown, press the ASPECT buttononcemoreandthekeyswillreappear.
Panasonic Auto
Panasonic Auto determines the best aspect
viewing.It doesthis using afour stepprocessto
determine if the picture being viewed is a
widescreen picture.
If Panasonic Auto detects a widescreen signal
it switches into 16:9 widescreen mode. If
Panasonic Auto does not detect a widescreen
signalthen thepicture isdisplayed inJust or4:3
The text shown on the screen indicates how
PanasonicAuto determined which ratio to use:
’WIDE’ appears in the top left of the screen if a
widescreeen identification signal (WSS) is
found or a signal is found through a Scart
socket. Panasonic Auto switches into 16:9
widescreen ratio.
’Panasonic Auto’ appears in the top left of the
screen if black stripes above and below the
picture are detected. Panasonic Auto chooses
the best ratio and expands the picture to fill the
screen. This process can take several minutes,
depending how dark the picture is.
’Panasonic Auto’ appears in the top left of the
screen and red and green keys at the bottom if
no indication of a widescreen signal is found,
the picture is displayed in Just or 4:3 mode. If
the picture has a standard 4:3 aspect ratio then
you may prefer to view it at its original size, the
red a nd green keys that appear allo w you to
choose between viewing at standard 4:3 sizeor
expanded in Just mode.
Equally, you may prefer to select one of the
other modes available to view the picture.
D If, in Panasonic Auto mode, you experience problems with the screen display size when playing back widescreen format
recordingsfrom yourVCR thenit is possiblethatthe trackingcontrolof yourVCRrequires adjustment(yourVCRinstruction
book will contain adjustment details).
D The widescreen aspect ratios of different films and programmes can vary. If these are wider than a standard 16:9 aspect
picture then a black band may be visible at the top and bottom of the screen.
Aspect controls
left of the screen. The picture is
displayed in Just or 4:3 mode, red
and green keys appear, allowing
switching between Just and 4:3
left of the screen. The best ratio is
chosen and the picture expanded
to fill the screen.
’WIDE’ appears in the top left of the
screen, Panasonic Auto switches
into 16:9 widescreen ratio.
Panasonic Auto
Panasonic Auto
Panasonic Auto