[Network] page
[Network] tab
Refer to page 29 for general information about this tab.
Setup items Setting values (Underlined: default)
IPv4 network DHCP *1
IP address(IPv4) *2 (Default:
Subnet mask (Default:
Default gateway *3 (Default:
IPv6 network Manual
IP address(IPv6) *4 (Default:None(blank))
Common DNS *5 *6
Primary server address *7 (Default:None(blank))
Secondary server address *7 (Default:None(blank))
HTTP port *8 1-65535(Default:80)
Line speed *9
FTP access to unit
Bandwidth control(bit rate) *10 *11 *12
Easy IP Setup accommodate period
20 min/Unlimited
*1 •ConfiguretheDHCPservernottoassignthesameIPaddressesusedfortheothernetworkdevicesand
PCs whose IP address is unique. Refer to the network administrator for further information about the set-
tings of the server.
*2 •DonotenteranIPaddressalreadyinuse(forthePCsandtheothernetworkdevices).
*3 •MultipleIPaddressesforthedefaultgatewayareunavailableevenwhenusingtheDHCPfunction.Refer
to the network administrator for further information about the settings of the DHCP server.
*4 •ToestablishconnectionsbeyondtherouterviaanIPaddressenteredmanually,useanIPv6compatible
router, and activate the auto configuration function of IP address. In addition, set an IPv6 address includ-
ing prefix information given by the IPv6 compatible router.
*5 •MultipleIPaddressesforthedefaultgatewayareunavailableevenwhenusingtheDHCPfunction.Refer
to the network administrator for further information about the settings of the DHCP server.
*6 •WhenusingtheDHCPfunction,itispossibletoobtaintheDNSaddressautomaticallybyselecting
"Auto". Refer to the network administrator for further information about the settings of the DHCP server.
*7 •ItisimpossibletousebothanIPv4DNSserverandanIPv6DNSserver.
*8 •Thefollowingportnumbersareunavailablesincetheyarealreadyinuse.
20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 110, 123, 161, 162, 554, 995, 10 669, 10 670, 52 000, 59 000 - 61 000
*9 •Itisrecommendedtousewiththedefault"Auto".
*10 •Whenselecting"64kbps",select"Off"for"Audiomode"onthe[Audio]tab.(☞ Page 41)
*11 •Select"128kbps"orafasterratetocarryoutthelivetransmissionofJPEGimagesandtheFTPperiodic
image transmission simultaneously.