Step 2
Move the cursor to the number at the right of the title and select the zone number using the right or left button.
Step 3
Move the cursor to "POSITION" and press the setting button.
Step 4
Use the up, down, right, and left buttons to determine the left upper position of the zone to be set and press the setting button.
Step 5
Use the up, down, right, and left buttons to determine the lower right position of the zone to be set and press the setting button.
→ The asterisk mark "*" will be displayed after the number and the zone setting will be saved.
• Todeleteazone,selectthezonenumberandpressthesettingbuttonaftermovingthecursorto"DEL".
• Tochangethesettingsofazone,selectthezonenumberandrepeatfromstep3.
13. Image stabilizer setting [STABILIZER]
Whether or not to enable the image stabilizer is determined.
This function is effective for the case that the camera is installed on a power pole or other poles.
ON: Enables the image stabilizer.
OFF (default): Disables the image stabilizer.
• When"ON"isselectedfortheimagestabilizer,theviewanglebecomesnarrowerandtheresolutionbecomeslower.When
"ON" is selected for the image stabilizer, check the view angle and resolution at camera installation.
• Theimagestabilizerfunctionmaynotworkforthefollowingsubjectsorconditions:
• Darksubject
• Lesscontrastysubject(e.g.whitewall)
• Shortcycledimageshakingsuchasmechanicalvibration
• Largeamplitudeimageshaking