Step 3
Move the cursor to "C/L ← → B/W" and select the back focus adjustment type from the following:
AUTO (default): Adjusts the back focus function automatically and corrects out of focus when switching between color and
black-and-white images.
PRESET: Performs the preset movement to each specified back focus position when switching between color and black-and-
white images. The preset position is the back focus position specified last time, which was automatically memorized for
each of color images and black-and-white images.
FIX: Fixes the position after adjusting the back focus either automatically (ABF) or manually.
Step 4
Moving the cursor to "SETUP-SW LOCK" and selecting "ON" allow users to disable the back focus adjustment with the operation
buttons (default: OFF).
• Thefollowingarerecommendationforbackfocussettinginaccordancewithsubjects.
• Weshallnotresponsibleforanyinconvenience,loss,ordamagecausedbythesettingsorresultsofthebackfocusfunc-
For such case (subject conditions)
• Normalsubject
• Frequentlymovingsubj.
• Subj.withremarkableilluminance
• Subj.withlowilluminance
• Toobrightorreflectivesubj.
• Subj.throughawindow
• Placewherethelenseasily
becomes dirty
• Subj.withlesscontrastsuchas
white wall
• Subj.withremarkabledepth
• Subj.withheavyflicker
• Subj.withhorizontallyparallellines
such as a shutter
Select this (recommendation)
Back focus adjustment
Fine adjustment with "MANUAL-ADJ"
after "ABF" or "MANUAL-ADJ"
"C/L ← → B/W" switching