• When the [Confirm] button is clicked, the registered information of the self-signed certificate
(security certificate) will be displayed in the “Self-signed Certificate - Confirm” dialog box.
• When the [Delete] button is clicked, the generated self-signed certificate (security certificate) will
be deleted.
• When “HTTPS” is selected for “Connection”, it is impossible to delete the self-signed certificate.
17.2.3 Generation of CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
• If the CRT key is not generated, it is impossible to generate the CSR.
• Before generating the CSR file, configure the following settings on [Internet Options] of the web browser
in advance. Click [Internet Options...] under [Tools] of the menu bar of Internet Explorer, and then click
the [Security] tab.
– Register the camera for [Trusted Sites].
– Click the [Custom Level...] button to open the [Security Setting] window, and check the [Enable]
radio button of [File Download] under [Downloads].
– Click the [Custom Level...] button to open the [Security Setting] window, and check the [Enable]
radio button of [Automatic prompting for file downloads] under [Downloads].
Operating Instructions 175
17 Configuring the network settings [Network]