
Name w/o time&date: File name will be the characters entered for “File name” only. When “Name w/o
time&date” is selected, the file will be overwritten each time a file is newly transmitted.
Available number of characters: 1 - 32 characters
Unavailable characters: " & ; : / * < > ? \ |
Default: None (blank)
When “Name w/time&date” is selected, the file name will be [“Entered file name” + “Time and date
(year/ month/ day/ hour/ minute/ second)” + “Serial number (starting from 00)”] + “s” during summer
[Transmission interval]
Select the interval for the FTP periodic image transmission from the following.
1s/ 2s/ 3s/ 4s/ 5s/ 6s/ 10s/ 15s/ 20s/ 30s/ 1min/ 2min/ 3min/ 4min/ 5min/ 6min/ 10min/ 15min/ 20min/ 30min/
1h/ 1.5h/ 2h/ 3h/ 4h/ 6h/ 12h/ 24h
Default: 1s
[Image capture size]
Select the capture size of images to be transmitted from the following.
When “2 mega pixel [16:9]” is selected for “Image capture mode”
When “1.3 mega pixel [16:9]” is selected for “Image capture mode”
When “1.3 mega pixel [4:3]” is selected for “Image capture mode”
Default: 640x360
When “3 mega pixel [4:3]” is selected for “Image capture mode”, FTP periodic image transmission
cannot be used.
18.7 Configure the schedule settings of the FTP
periodic image transmission [FTP img. trans.]
Click the [FTP img. trans.] tab on the “Network” page. (®page 46, page 48)
The schedule settings of the FTP periodic image transmission can be configured in this section. Refer to
page 179 for further information about the settings relating to the FTP periodic image transmission.
Operating Instructions 181
18 Configuring the network settings [Network]