About the log list window
Number of the listed logs
Total number of the logs of the selected log type and a number of the log being displayed on the top of the log
list will be displayed.
• Enter the desired log number and press the [Enter] key on the keyboard. The log of the designated
number will be displayed on the top of the log list.
[Top] button
Click this button to display the log listed at the top.
[Prev. page] button
Click this button to display the previous page of the log list.
• When the mouse button is held down while placing the mouse pointer on the [Prev. page] button, the
displayed log number will be decreased. When the mouse button is released, the decrement of the log
number will stop and the log number displayed at the moment when the mouse button is released will
be the top of the currently displayed page.
[Next page] button
Click this button to display the next page of the log list.
• When the mouse button is held down while placing the mouse pointer on the [Next page] button, the
displayed log number will be increased. When the mouse button is released, the increment of the log
number will stop and the log number displayed at the moment when the mouse button is released will
be the top of the currently displayed page.
[Last] button
Click this button to display the log listed at the bottom.
[Time & date]
Time and date when each log has been filed will be displayed.
• When “Off” is selected for “Time display format” (®page 52), time and date of alarm occurrence will
be displayed in 24-hour format.
• The recording timing of logs is as follows.
• Alarm log: Alarm occurrence time and date will be filed as a log.
• Manual/Schedule log: Time and date when recording of images onto the SD memory card started
manually or during the period of the schedule will be filed as a log. When images are recorded
sequentially, logs will be filed on the hour every hour (12:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc.). However, depending
on the photographic subject and the setting used, logs may be filed in periods of over on hour.
• FTP trans. error log: Logs will be filed every one hour.
The event type will be displayed. The event types will be displayed only when displaying the alarm log list.
• TRM1: Alarm by alarm input to Terminal 1
• TRM2: Alarm by alarm input to Terminal 2
• TRM3: Alarm by alarm input to Terminal 3
• VMD: Alarm by VMD alarm
Operating Instructions 35
6 Display the log list (WV-SW559/WV-SP509/WV-SF549/WV-SF539)