Index-33980-A2-GB30-20 November 1996
DSR Control (&S), 8-10, 13-10
DTE connection, 2-3
DTE Dialer Type, 8-14
DTE Interface, 8-7, D-3
DTE LL (CT141), 13-20
DTE Local Loopback, 8-37
DTE Rate, 8-7
DTE Rate=VF Rate, 8-13
DTE rates supported, D-2
DTE Remote Loopback, 8-37
DTE RL (CT140), 13-20
DTE status, 6-4
DTE-side password
backspace character, 8-43
number of tries, 8-42
termination character, 8-42
DTR Action (&D), 8-9, 13-7
DTR Alarm Reporting, 8-41, 13-23
DTR Auto Redial, 8-22
DTR Continuous Repeat, 8-18, 13-17
Edit Password Table, 11-5
Edit Strap Group, 8-4
End (DCP option), 8-6
Enhanced Throughput Cellular (ETC), 8-25, 13-9
Entry Wait Time, 8-42
customer-supplied, 2-2, 3-1
in modem package, 2-1, 3-1
Erase All Passwords, 11-11
error codes (result codes), B-1
error control, 8-31
Error Control Fallback Character, 8-33
Error Control Mode (\N), 8-31, 13-12
Error Control Negotiate Buffer, 8-32
Escape Character, 8-15
Escape Guard Time, 8-15
escape sequence (+++), 13-1
Extended Result Codes, 8-16
Factory configuration area, 8-1
factory default templates, 4-11, 8-1
Fall Forward Delay, 8-26, 8-30
Fast Disconnect, 8-20
+FCLASS command, 13-13
modulations supported, D-2
operation, 12-1
types supported, 1-2, 12-1
features, 1-1
firmware download, 9-6
firmware release number, 13-4
firmware upgrade, 9-4, 9-6
flow control
modem to modem, 13-12
of modem and DTE, 8-33, 13-13
XON/XOFF, 8-33, 13-13
Flow Control of DTE, 8-33
Flow Control of Modem, 8-33
Front Panel Security Access, 4-13
Get_User_ID, 8-43
heat dissipation, D-3
Hidden Choice Indicators, 4-4
hook flash (!), 13-3
Identity, 6-3
carrier mount, 3-2
standalone, 2-2
keypad, 4-5
LCD display, 4-4
LdEditAreafrm, 8-4
Leased Line mode, 13-9
Leased Line Rate, 8-28, 13-19
Leased Line Transmit Level, 8-29
Leased Mode, 8-27
leased-line connection, 2-4, 2-5
LEDs, 4-2
Line Dialer, 8-19
Linefeed Character, 8-16
Local Analog Loop, 7-3
Local Digital Loop, 7-5
locking the DCP, 4-13
Long Space Disconnect, 8-21
LSD Control, 8-12