A. Configuration Options
8784-A2-GB20-30 February 2001
Possible Settings:
Enable, Disable
Default Setting:
Determines whether the unit automatically adjusts to the best line rate for conditions, or is
fixed at the rate in the DSL Line Rate field. The automatically set rate cannot exceed DSL
Line Rate.
AutoRate is only available when the unit is configured as an LTU.
– The LTU adjusts to the best line rate.
– The LTU’s line rate is the selected DSL Line Rate.
DSL Line Rate
Possible Settings:
400, 528, 784, 1040, 1552
Default Setting:
Determines the fixed line rate of the LTU when AutoRate is disabled, and the maximum
rate to which the unit can be set when AutoRate is enabled.
DSL Line Rate is only available when the unit is configured as an LTU.
– The fixed DSL Line Rate, in kbps.
Peer IP Address
Possible Settings:
–, Clear
Default Setting:
Specifies the peer IP address providing the remote management link on the DSL loop.
Peer IP Address is only available when the unit is configured as an LTU and the unit
is in not running in IP Conservative mode.
Address Field
( –
– Enter an address for the peer
unit. The range for the first byte is 001 to 223, with the exception of 127. The range for the
remaining three bytes is 000 to 255. The IP address must be in the same subnet as the
MCC backplane address.
– Clears the IP address and sets to all zeros.
Circuit Identifier
Possible Settings:
ASCII text field
Default Setting: [blank]
Uniquely identifies the circuit number of the transmission vendor’s DSL line for
troubleshooting purposes.
ASCII text field
– Enter a maximum of 128 characters. All printable ASCII characters
except the ^ (caret) are allowed.
– Clears the field.
Table A-1. Network Interface Options (2 of 2)