
2000-A2-GB20-10 - 114 - February 2004
When you’re done viewing the details, press any key to return to the IP
Filter Copy to Buffer menu.
Editing a Filter in the Buffer
To edit a filter currently stored in the buffer, follow these steps:
1. On the IP Filter Copy to Buffer menu, type E to edit the filter.
2. Follow the IAD messages to enter values (page 112).
3. When you enter the last parameter, the IAD displays the summary
information and saves the configuration. The IAD displays the IP Filter
Configuration menu.
4. Continue with other configuration tasks, or press Escape to return to
the Router Configuration menu.
5. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish IP filter configuration.
Deleting a Filter from the Buffer
To delete a filter currently stored in the buffer, type X.
The IAD deletes the filter from the buffer and displays the IP Filter
Configuration menu.
Table 5–2. Filter Details
Parameter Description
num number of the filter
state Idle or Active
action Pass or Discard
srcLwP Filter Source Port Low—TCP or UDP packets
srcHiP Filter Source Port High—TCP or UDP packets
source.ip.addr.low Filter Destination IP Low Address
source.ip.addr.high Filter Source IP High Address
proto Filter protocol—IP, ICMP, IGMP, TCP, UDP
mask ICMP or TCP only
dstLwP Filter Destination Port Low
dstHiP Filter Destination Port High
dest.ip.addr.low Filter Destination IP Low Address
dest.ip.addr.high Filter Destination IP High Address