Your choice of 00 or 1800 polarity will be strictly a matter of taste. It may be easier to detect
differences between 00 and 1800 polarity with some recordings than with others. Don't be
discouraged if you cannot hear the difference. not everyone can identify absolute polarity.
De-Emphasis LED
Some digital recordings are encoded with pre-emphasis contouring. ,
ally recognizes and processes them. An LED illuminates as a beacon
Like most other great audio components, your D/ AC-1500 needs to operate for at least 72 hours
before it will start sounding its best. This allows the materials of various internal parts to "form"
so they can better process the complexities of musical waveforms. While your unit will sound
spectacular right out of its carton, you11 find it worthwhile to listen again after a few days. You11
discover details in your music you wouldn't have guessed were there.
Your Of AC-1500 needs no routine maintenance. We do recommend that you remove and twist the
various RCA connections once a year to remove any corrosion buildup on plugs and jacks. Make
sure the power is turned ofT before attempting this. It's not a bad idea to do this for each of your
other components while you're at it.
Never use any commercial cleaners or abrasives on the front panel or top cover - they will likely
scratch or disfigure them. Use only a soft cloth, if necessary slightly damp to remove fingerprints.
In Case of Trouble
If you suspect a problem with your unit, first recheck all your connections. If one channel is
inoperative, the trouble may be caused by another component or even a defective hookup cable. If
only one channel remains inoperative, try reversing the Left and Right cables to your preamplifier
(turn it ofTbefore moving wires). If the same channel stays out, it indicates trouble could be other
than your D/ A converter itself. We suggest you contact your authorized Parasound dealer or can
Parasound Technical Service if you suspect a problem. We will suggest other diagnostic tests you
can easily perfonn and which will save you a lot of trouble.
I f we detennine that your D/ AC-1500 should be returned to Parasound for inspection and possible
servicing, you must first obtain a Return Authorization number from Parasound. You will be
asked to fe-pack the unit in its original carton and cardboard packing plus an additional outer box
over its own box for proper protection in transit. The Return Authorization number must be clearly
marked on the outer carton only. You should ship the unit by UPS with adequate insurance
specified. You must include a copy of your purchase receipt to validate your ownership.
Units that arrive without your specific Return Authorization number, without a suitable shipping
carton or evidence of improper internal packing or collect will be refused. We do not accept collect
shipments. After repair under warmnty, the unit will be returned to you via prepaid UPS or RPS.
Ifwe found no problem with the unit, we will ship the unit by UPS or RPS collect for return
shipping charges. In the case of an out of warranty repair, we will advise you repair charges
before you ship the unit. The same packing requirements and RA requirement apply.
Your DI AC-1500 automatic-
1 for visual confirmation.
-Burning-in- your D/AC-1500
Maintaining your D/AC-1500