[ 34 ] Pelco Manual C1977M-D (6/02)
The following table gives detailed information about the items on the General Settings Configuration
Page, together with the default factory settings:
Table B. General Settings
Configuration Default
Item Settings Description
Name none The unit name helps the user identify a particular
unit, especially if many PelcoNet Transmission Sys-
tems are on the network.
ID none The ID serves as a machine-readable name. The ID
can be read at any time. Reading is facilitated re-
motely via UDP/IP, letting a management system
monitor the unit.
Password level none This field lets you set the password at either the
user or service level.
Password none The unit can be password-protected to prevent unau-
thorized tampering with the configuration. The pass-
word needs to be repeated correctly in the confirm box
before password protection is activated. Once pass-
word protection is enabled, you need to log in before
the configuration pages can be accessed (Figure 27).
IP address Enter a unique IP address that is valid for your network.
( for The pre-configured default IP address allows for easy
receiver) configuration in closed environments. You can use a
crossed cable to directly connect to a PC. Also, the
PC’s IP address and subnet mask must match the
default IP address.
Changing the IP address also affects the
current browser connection. You will have to enter
the new URL to regain connectivity to the unit.
Subnet mask Exchange with a valid subnet mask for your network,
if subnets are in use.
Gateway IP none The IP address of the router. Typically used in a
WAN environment.
Base Port 25000 This setting lets the user designate which TCP/IP
ports PelcoNet uses for transmission, video, audio,
and control. For example, the default setting of
25000 means PelcoNet will use TCP ports 25000-
25001 and UDP ports 25002-25011 (12 ports total)
for all video and control data.
Mail server none Only required if the mail-sending feature is to be
IP address used. Outgoing e-mail is sent to the mail server
(SMTP server) at the given IP address.
(Continued on next page)