8 Pelco Manual C581M-B (1/04)
Set switch 7 ON if you want to address all cameras consecutively.
Set switch 7 OFF if you want to address cameras according to the multiplexer they are
connected to.
Set switch 8 ON to program the server and the multiplexer. Set the switch OFF to
disable programming.
3. Replace the cover on the back of the keyboard.
4. Connect the keyboard to the MX4000SVR Multiplexer Server. A maximum of four
keyboards can be connected to the server. One keyboard can be connected to the
LOCAL KEYBOARD port on the server, and up to three keyboards can be connected
to the REMOTE KEYBOARD(S) port on the server. Or four keyboards can be
connected to the remote.
To connect the keyboard to the LOCAL KEYBOARD port, a 25-foot (7.6 m) data cable
with RJ-45 connectors is supplied with the keyboard. Plug one end of the cable into
the back of the keyboard and plug the other end into the LOCAL KEYBOARD port on
the server. Refer to the multiplexer server manual for instructions.
The keyboard receives power from the multiplexer. The LED display will light when the
keyboard receives power. The display will show the address of the multiplexer with
which the keyboard is communicating.
To connect a keyboard(s) to the REMOTE KEYBOARD(S) port on the server you must
order a KBDKIT(-X) for each keyboard. Follow the instructions that are supplied with
the kit. Refer to Figure 1 for the keyboard RJ-45 pin-outs.
The keyboard receives power from the transformer. The LED display will light when the
keyboard receives power. The display will show the address of the multiplexer with
which the keyboard is communicating.
5. Peel off the protective covering over the LED display in the upper left corner of the
When the keyboard is plugged into a multiplexer or multiplexer server, the keyboard is
ready to operate. However, some minimal programming may be required to
make your system work.
The default settings for the duplex and simplex multiplexers are not the same, and it should
not be assumed that there is nothing more to do after connecting the keyboard to the system.
Below are the minimum things to check.
1. To allow the keyboard to communicate with multiplexers in the polled mode (switch
4 OFF), you must designate one multiplexer (any one) as the master and all the others
as slaves. If you have just one multiplexer, it must be the master. In the
communication mode (switch 4 ON), all multiplexers must be slaves (the keyboard is
the master).
Set the master/slave designation from the front panel of the
multiplexer, not from the keyboard. Go to the Advanced System Setup menu
(refer to multiplexer manual) and select master or slave in the COMM. TYPE menu item.
The default is SLAVE for duplex multiplexers and MASTER (KBD T/D) for simplex