
(2) Hold the specimen holder with the airlock-opening pin up. Carefully insert the specimen
holder into the airlock entry and slide it in until stop. At this point, pre-pumping of the
airlock commences as indicated by illumination of the red airlock indicator light.
(3) After hearing a click sound, grape the specimen holder and turn clockwise, the specimen
holder will slide into a groove in the airlock by vacuum.
(4) Wait until the airlock indicator light extinguishes, then rotate the holder counter
clockwise until it reaches a position where it will slide inwards. The holder is pulled
strongly inward by the pressure differential, which may damage the sapphire pivot at the
holder tip by colliding with the thrust rod of the specimen control. We recommend to
keep your hand on the specimen holder handle and keep it moving slowly inward.
(5) Turn counterclockwise a few degrees and insert the specimen holder to the beam path (C
III Routine Alignment (See Alignment Procedures for CM-20 TEM)
IV. Shut Down
(1) Set Magnification at 100 kx.
(2) Remove objective aperture and SAD apertures (levers to the right).
(3) Press MODES on TEM bright field page.
(4) Press CONFIGURATION on mode selection page.
(5) Turn the FILAMENT knob counterclockwise slowly (with 5-10 seconds between each
setting/click) until the number after ACTUAL on the configuration page is 0.
(6) Set sample stage to center position (right = 0, left = 10).
(7) Make sure goniometer is locked and back to 0 tilt position (tilt = 0, azimuth = 11).
(8) Carefully remove specimen holder out of the microscope column.
(9) Remove your specimen and insert the specimen holder into the microscope (keep in high
(10) Cover viewing ports.
(A) If no pictures taken:
(1) Press READY twice to go back start-up page.
(2) Pull the PANEL DIM knob and leave the microscope for the next user (do not turn off
the high voltage).
(3) Fill out TEM log book.
(4) Clean the desk and keep the microscope room clean.
(B) If Pictures taken:
Press VACUUM on TEM bright field page.
(2) Press CAM AIR on vacuum status page to leak air (nitrogen) into the camera.
(3) Wait for 3 minutes and then replace the camera box in the microscope with the camera
box in the pre-evacuation chamber (desiccator outside the dark room).