Chapter 3
Power Management Setup
The Power Management Setup menu configures the system to most
effectively save energy while operating in a manner consistent with your
own style of computer use.
ACPI Suspend Type
Set the power saving mode for ACPI function. Settings are:
HDD Power Down
Set the time to power down HDD after hard disk inactivity. Settings: Disabled
1~15 (minutes)
S1(POS) S1/Power On Suspend (POS) is a low power state. In
this state, no system context (CPU or chipset) is lost
and hardware maintains all system context.
S3(STR) S3/Suspend To RAM (STR) is a power-down state. In
this state, power is supplied only to essential
components such as main memory and wakeup-
capable devices. The system context is saved to
main memory, and context is restored from the
memory when a “wakeup” event occurs.
S1 & S3 Depends on OS to select S1 or S3.