Wake-up Light
Specifications Product highlights
Technical specifications
• Power: 100 W
• Voltage: 230 V
• Frequency: 50 Hz
• Type of lamps: 1 Philips incandescent lamp
• Lifetime of lamps: 1000 hours (easy to replace)
• Cord length: 200 cm
• Insulation: class II (double isolation)
Weight and dimensions
• Product dimensions: 13.5 x 20.0 x 30.0
• Product weight: 1.5 kg
• F-box dimensions: 16.0 x 21.0 x 32.0
• F-box weight: 2.1 kg
• No. of F-boxes in A-box: 3 pcs
• A-box dimensions: 22.5 x 49.5 x 34.1
• A-box weight: 7.8 kg
• Qnt. on Euro pallet: 126 pcs
Logistic data
• CTV code: 8843 463 01
• Country of origin: China
• UV-free: no UV radiation
• Cenelec certified
Easy to use
• Quick-go on/off button
• Snooze button for sound and light: 9 minute(s)
• Quick-check function (90 sec.): check next
morning’s light/sound level in 90 sec.
• Compact size: Limited bedside table space
required (13.5x20cm)
• Electricity back-up function: 5 minute(s)
• Anti-slip rubber feet
• Wake-up Light bulb with natural daylight
spectrum: 100
• Sunrise simulating process (0-selected intensity):
• Light intensity dimmer: 0-300 Lux at 40-50 cm
• Light on/off function
• Wake-up sounds: friendly beep and 1 natural
sound (morning birds), your favourite digital FM
radio station
• Sound off function: Option to mute sound
• Digital FM radio
• Easy-to-read LCD display: 50x50 mm
• Display brightness control: 3 settings (low,
medium, high)
Issue date 2008-08-30
Version: 4.0.1
12 NC: 8843 463 01000
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Light awakes you naturally
Light gradually increases in 30 minutes before your set
wake up time. Light falls on your eyes and positively
affects your energy hormones, preparing your body to
wake up. This makes waking up a more pleasant feeling.
300 Lux light intensity
The senitivity to light differs a lot per person. In general,
when using a higher light intensity a person needs less
time to become fully awake. The light intensity of the
Wake-up Light can be set up to 300 Lux. This makes
sure you can wake up to the light intensity that suits your
personal preference best.
2 natural and pleasant wake-up sounds
At your set wake-up time, you will hear a bird singing or
a friendly beep. It starts out quietly and takes a minute
and a half to reach the volume level you selected. The
gradually increasing sound will make the wake-up
process nice and gentle, ensuring you're never rudely
awakened. When the sound reaches your selected
volume level, getting out of bed is easy.
Digital FM radio
The built-in digital FM radio lets you wake up to your
favourite songs or news station every day. Just select your
favourite radio station, and at your set wake-up time it
will start to play, at first gently, gradually increasing over
ninety seconds to the volume level you selected.
Incandescent lamp
This Wake-up Light makes use of an incandescent lamp.
The expected lifetime of the lamp is up to approximately
1 year, in case of daily use of the wake up function and
2 hours use as bedside lamp. The lamp can be replaced