Operating Instructions
[For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 101
No Items
Factory Default
Indispensable setting Note
1. Timer Always - -
Start time 00:00:00 - -
Stop time 23:59:59 - -
Day-of-the-week setting All checked - -
(2) Secondary Time No check - -
320 x 240 - 160 x 120, 320 x 240, 640 x 480
(2) Image Quality Standard -
Favor Clarity, Standard,
Favor Motion
1 Image/Hour - -
(2) Secondary Image Buffer
1 Image/Hour - -
2. (1) Always/Operational between
3. (1) Image Resolution
4. (1) Primary Image Buffer
Non Transfer without Memory Over Write
Non Transfer with Memory Over Write
Selected - -
Not-selected - -
FTP Not-selected - -
Server Address or Host Name [Blank] Required when using FTP
Required when using FTP
(*1) or (*3) 1 to 255 Characters
Port No. (Usually Use 21) 21
Login ID [Blank] (*3) 0 to 63 Characters
Password [Blank] (*3) 0 to 63 Characters
Upload File Name [Blank] Required when using FTP (*3) 1 to 234 Characters
Login timing Every Time Every Time, One Time
Over write setting
Over Write to
Fixed Upload File
Mail Not-selected - -
SMTP Server Address or Host Name [Blank] Required when using Mail (*1) or (*3) 1 to 255 Characters
Required when using Mail
Required when using Mail
From (Reply) [Blank] (*4) 5 to 63 Characters
To [Blank] (*4) 5 to 63 Characters
Subject [Blank] (*2)
and (*7)
0 to 44 Characters
Text [Blank] (*2)
and (*7)
0 to 63 Characters
1 65535
If necessary
If necessary
Required when using POP authentication
Required when using POP authentication
POP3 Server Address or Host Name [Blank] (*1) or (*3) 1 to 255 Characters
Login ID [Blank] (*3) 0 to 63 Characters
Password [Blank] (*3) 0 to 63 Characters
Required when using POP authentication
Data transfer method Passive Mode Passive Mode, Active Mode-