your Pro
rammable Power Supply 5 - 25
Remote control (automatic steppin
The actual memory address index (1 to 999) can be selected usin
[:SOURce]:LIST:INDex[:NSELect] command. The selected memory address can
be requested by means of the [:SOURce]:LIST:INDex[:NSELect]? query.
A sequence list of memory addresses can be defined usin
[:SOURce]:LIST:SEQuence:STARt and [:SOURce]:LIST:SEQuence:STOP
A sequence list of memory addresses can be reported usin
[:SOURce]:LIST:SEQuence:STARt? and [:SOURce]:LIST:SEQuence:STOP?
The len
th of a sequence list, i.e., the number of volta
e and current points, can
be requested by the [:SOURce]:LIST:VOLTa
e:POINts? and
[:SOURce]:LIST:CURRent:POINts? queries.
The step interval time can be defined by the [:SOURce]:LIST:TIMer command and
can be requested by the [:SOURce]:LIST:TIMer? query.
The source of the next step in the sequence list (the step tri
er) can be defined
and requested by the [:SOURce]:LIST:SOURce command, respectively the
[:SOURce]:LIST:SOURce? query. The followin
sources are possible:
• If source = TIMer, the internal timer of the power supply is used to count
the step interval time.
• If source = EXTernal or BUS, the active tri
er source depends on whether
the START line of the tri
er bus at the rear of the power supply is active
or not. If active, step pulses from the external STEP input will cause the
next step to be performed. If not active, the next step will be performed
after the
TRG command or after the GET tri
er command.
The execution of a sequence list can be started usin
the :INITiate[:IMMediate]
command. The first address is the START address, and the last address is the
STOP address.
A sequence list can be executed continuously by means of the
:INITiate:CONTinuous command.
The execution of a sequence list can be stopped by means of the :ABORt
command. If the execution is stopped, the last recalled volta
e and current settin
remain active.