7 Press the safety ring fully onto the skin with slight pressure.
Note: The safety ring has contact switches that together are the safety system
of the appliance. This safety ring prevents unintentional ashing without skin
, The ‘ready to ash’ light on the back of the appliance lights up green
when all contact switches of the safety ring are in contact with the
skin and the device is charged. This may take up to 3.5 seconds.
Tip: For easier use, stretch the area of skin you want to treat. On areas with
softer skin, you may need to exert more pressure on the appliance to push in
all contact switches.
8 Press the ash button to release a ash.
Note: The visible light produced by the appliance is the reection of the ash
on the skin and is harmless to your eyes. It is not necessary to wear goggles
during use.
9 Let go of the ash button after the appliance has ashed.
10 For the next ash, repeat steps 6 to 9. After each ash it takes up to
3.5 seconds until the appliance is ready to ash again.
Do not treat exactly the same area multiple times during one session.
This does not improve the effectiveness of the treatment, but increases
the risk of skin reactions.
11 To avoid untreated areas, always make sure there is some overlap
with the previously treated area when you place the appliance on the
skin.The effective light only comes out of the light exit window. Make
sure the ashes are produced close to each other.
12 Switch off the appliance after you have nished the treatment.
13 Check the light exit window and the attachment for hairs and
dirt and clean the appliance after use (see chapter ‘Cleaning and