
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xx xxxxx
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© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 17 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
P0M2 Port 0 output mode 2 85H (P0M2.7) (P0M2.6) (P0M2.5) (P0M2.4) (P0M2.3) (P0M2.2) (P0M2.1) (P0M2.0) 00
0000 0000
P1M1 Port 1 output mode 1 91H (P1M1.7) (P1M1.6) - (P1M1.4) (P1M1.3) (P1M1.2) (P1M1.1) (P1M1.0) D3
11x1 xx11
P1M2 Port 1 output mode 2 92H (P1M2.7) (P1M2.6) - (P1M2.4) (P1M2.3) (P1M2.2) (P1M2.1) (P1M2.0) 00
00x0 xx00
P2M1 Port 2 output mode 1 A4H (P2M1.7) (P2M1.6) (P2M1.5) (P2M1.4) (P2M1.3) (P2M1.2) (P2M1.1) (P2M1.0) FF
1111 1111
P2M2 Port 2 output mode 2 A5H (P2M2.7) (P2M2.6) (P2M2.5) (P2M2.4) (P2M2.3) (P2M2.2) (P2M2.1) (P2M2.0) 00
0000 0000
P3M1Port3 output mode1B1H------(P3M1.1)(P3M1.0)03
xxxx xx11
P3M2Port3 output mode2B2H------(P3M2.1)(P3M2.0)00
xxxx xx00
PCON Power control register 87H SMOD1 SMOD0 BOPD BOI GF1 GF0 PMOD1 PMOD0 00 0000 0000
PCONA Power control register A B5H RTCPD DEEPD VCPD - I2PD SPPD SPD CCUPD 00
0000 0000
Bit address D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
PSW* Program status word D0H CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV F1 P 00 0000 0000
PT0AD Port 0 digital input disable F6H - - PT0AD.5 PT0AD.4 PT0AD.3 PT0AD.2 PT0AD.1 - 00 xx00 000x
RSTSRC Reset source register DFH - - BOF POF R_BK R_WD R_SF R_EX
RTCCON Real-time clock control D1H RTCF RTCS1 RTCS0 - - - ERTC RTCEN 60
011x xx00
RTCH Real-time clock register
D2H 00
0000 0000
RTCL Real-time clock register
D3H 00
0000 0000
SADDR Serial port address
A9H 00 0000 0000
SADEN Serial port address enable B9H 00 0000 0000
SBUF Serial Port data buffer
99H xx xxxx xxxx
Table 2: P89LPC932A1 Special function registers
* indicates SFRs that are bit addressable.
Name Description SFR
Bit functions and addresses Reset value
MSB LSB Hex Binary