MODEL NO. VR 617/07
PROD. NO. ..............................
So that you can identify your machine in the event of theft, enter the serial number (PROD. NO)
here.You will find it on the type plate on the back of the set.
TThhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt ffuunnccttiioonnss ooff yyoouurr nneeww vviiddeeoo rreeccoorrddeerr
Your Philips video recorder can be used, not only for recording and playing back VHS
cassettes, but it also has a whole range of special functions which will make day-to-day
use of your new video recorder easier for you.
Plug in and off you go - getting started with your new video recorder just couldnīt be simpler. Once you
have connected the cables, you will immediately see text on the screen which will assist you at all stages
of operation.
Philips has developed a system which makes it possible for you to get the best possible playback quality
from video cassettes. Interference on old, often-played tapes is minimised, and in new or high quality
cassettes, details are even clearer.
The precision mechanism developed by Philips guarantees short rewind times and, by automatically
detecting the length of the tape, makes operation as easy as possible for the user.
IIff yyoouu hhaavvee aannyy pprroobblleemmss uussiinngg tthhee vviiddeeoo rreeccoorrddeerr,, pplleeaassee rreeaadd tthhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg
cchhaapptteerrss iinn tthhiiss iinnssttrruuccttiioonn mmaannuuaall.. IIff yyoouu hhaavvee aannyy qquueessttiioonnss,, tthheerree iiss aallssoo aa ccuussttoommeerr
ssuuppppoorrtt sseerrvviiccee aavvaaiillaabbllee iinn yyoouurr ccoouunnttrryy.. YYoouu ccaann ffiinndd tthhee tteelleepphhoonnee nnuummbbeerr iinn tthhee
gguuaarraanntteeee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn eenncclloosseedd iinn tthhee ppaacckkaaggiinngg.. PPlleeaassee hhaavvee yyoouurr mmooddeell nnuummbbeerr
((MMOODDEELL NNOO..)) aanndd pprroodduuccttiioonn nnuummbbeerr ((PPRROODD.. NNOO..)) rreeaaddyy..
The simple programming system VIDEO Plus+ revolutionized the video world when it was introduced.
Instead of having to enter many different details (date, starting time, finish time, programme), which was
often tiresome and liable to errors, all you have to do is enter a number, up to nine digits long, which can
be found in any TV programme listing.
VIDEO Plus+ and PlusCode are registered trademarks of Gemstar Development Corporation.
The VIDEO Plus+ system is manufactured under licence from Gemstar Development Corporation.