Problems duringDVD playback
Symptom Cause Action (See)
Playback is notpossible. Theloaded dischas adifferent re-
gion number fromthis unit.
Replacethe disc withone featuringthe same
region numberas thisunit. (Page 9,Page
A parentallock message isdis-
played andplayback isnot pos-
Parental lockis on. Turn parentallock offor changethe level.
(Page 101)
Parental lockcannot be can-
The code number is incorrect. Inputthe correctcode number.(Page101)
You haveforgotten yourcode num-
PressCLEAR 10times tocancel thecode
number. (Page102)
Dialog language(and subtitle
language) cannotbe switched.
The DVDplaying doesnot feature
multiple languagerecordings.
You cannotswitch amongmultiple languages
if theyare notrecorded onthe disc.
You canonly switchbetwee n items
indicated inthe disc menu.
Switch using the discmenu.
No subtitlesare displayed. The DVDplaying doesnot feature
Subtitles arenot displayedif theyare notre-
corded onthe disc.
You canonly switchbetwee n items
indicated inthe disc menu.
Switch using the discmenu.
Playback is notwith theaudio
language andsubtitle language
settings selectedin DVDSETUP.
The DVDplaying doesnot feature
dialog orsubtitles inthe language
selected inDVD SETUP.
Switching toa selectedlanguage isnot possi-
ble if the languageselected inDVD SETUPis
not recordedon thedisc.
Switching the viewingangle is
not possible.
The DVDplaying doesnot feature
scenes shot frommultiple angles.
You cannotswitch betweenmultiple angles if
the DVDdoes notfeature scenesrecorded
from multipleangles.
You aretrying to switch to multiple
angle viewingof ascene thatis not
recorded frommultiple angles.
Switch between multipleangles whenwatch-
ing scenes recorded frommultiple angles.
The picture isextremely unclear/
distorted anddark duringplay-
The disc featuresa signalto prohibit
copying. (Somediscs mayhave
Since thisunit is compatiblewith thecopy
guard analogcopy protectsystem, whenplay-
ing adisc thathas asignal prohibiting copy-
ing, thepicture maysuffer from horizontal
stripes orother imperfections whenviewed
on somedisplays. Thisdoes notmean this
unit is malfunctioning.
Problems duringVideo CD playback
Symptom Cause Action (See)
The PBC(playback control)
menu displaycannot becalled
The VideoCD playing doesnotfea-
ture PBC.
This operationis notpossible withVideo CDs
not featuringPBC.
Repeat playand track/time
search are notpossible.
The VideoCD playing featuresPBC. This operationis notpossible withVideo CDs
featuring PBC.
Additional Information