Black plate (42,1)
6 To select a folder, touch to show the
folder one level higher and touch a folder
name on the list.
# You can also select thenext or previous folder
by pressing a orb button (FOLDER) on there-
mote control.
# To return tofolder 001 (ROOT), press andhold
BAND/ESC. However, if folder 001 (ROOT)con-
tains no files, playbackcommences with folder
# You cannot select a folderthat does not have
an MP3/WMA file recordedin it.
! When playing discs withMP3/WMA files and
audio data (CD-DA) suchas CD-EXTRA and
MIXED-MODE CDs, both typescan be played
only by switching modebetween MP3/WMA
and CD-DA by touchingMEDIA or pressing
BAND/ESC. This function canbe operated
only when the discis playing.
! If you have switched betweenplayback of
MP3/WMA files and audiodata (CD-DA), play-
back starts at thefirst track on the disc.
! This DVD player canplay back an MP3/WMA
file recorded on CD-ROM.(Refer to page 108
for files that can be playedback.)
! There is sometimesa delay between starting
up disc playback andthe sound being issued.
When being read, FORMAT READ is dis-
! Playback is carried outin order of file number.
Folders areskipped if they contain no files.(If
folder 001 (ROOT) containsno files, playback
commences with folder002.)
! This unit does notplay back WMA files re-
corded as VBR (variablebit rate).
! When playing back filesrecorded as VBR
(variable bit rate) files,the play time will notbe
correctly displayed if fastforward or reverse
operations are used.
! If the inserted disc containsno files that can
be played back, NON-PLAYABLE DISC isdis-
! When playing an MP3/WMAdisc containing
more than 192 tracks, READY appears on the
information bar for the track titlesof 193rd
and later.
! If the inserted disc containsWMA files that
are protected by digitalrights management
(DRM) , TRACK SKIPPEDis displayed while
the protected file isskipped.
! If all the files onthe inserted disc are secured
by DRM, PROTECTis displayed.
! Once PROTECT is displayedfor playing discs
secured by DRM, switching from audio data
(CD-DA) to WMA files maybecome a trigger
to lock the listtouch panel keys. In such case,
touch LIST to turnthe list display off and then
touch LIST again toturn it on. The listtouch
panel keys should bereactivated.
! When a disc containsboth WMA files which
are protected by DRMand audio data (CD-
DA), both types cannotbe switched. In this
case, only audio datawill be played back.
! There is no soundon fast forward or reverse.
! If you do not usethe touch panel keys within
30 seconds, they willbe hidden auto-
Stopping playback
% Touch g.
# When you stop MP3/WMAplayback by touch-
ing g, that locationon the disc is memorized, en-
abling playback from thatpoint when you play
the disc again.
# To play backthe disc again, touch f.
Pausing MP3/WMA playback
Pause lets you temporarily stop disc playback.
Playing MP3/WMA