Trafficevent icon
! with yellow line:
Stop-and-go traffic
with red line:
Stopped traffic
with black line:
Closed/blocked roads
Accidents, constructions, etc.
p For meanings of other icons, check them
the “Traffic Type Settings” screen.
= For details of the operations, refer to Select-
ing traffic information to display on page 59.
Viewing the traffic flow
All traffic flow information is displayed on
screen in a list.
1 Display the “Destination Menu” screen.
= For details of the operations, refer to Screen
switching overview on page 22.
2 Touch [MSN Direct].
The “MSN Direct” screen appears.
3 Touch [Traffic Flow].
A list with traffic flow information that has
been received is shown. The list is sorted by
distance from your current position.
Places (street names) where incidents have
occurred are displayed on the list.
4 Select an incident you want to view in
The details of the selected incident are dis-
p Touchingan incident you want to seeallows
you to view the detailed information of the
incident. If the information cannot be dis-
played on one screen, touch
or to view
the remaining information.
p Touching
allows you to check the loca-
tion on a map. (Trafficinformation without
positional information cannot be checked
on a map.)
# Touch[Sort].
You can sort the traffic information.
Each time you touch the key changes that set-
You can sort the traffic information by the
linear distance from your current position.
You can sortthe traffic information in alpha-
betical order.
You can sort the traffic information by the
average speed.
The list will be sorted in the order of closed/
blocked roads, traffic congestion, acci-
dents, road works and others.
Current order is indicated on the upper right of
the screen.
# Touch[Refresh].
When new traffic information is received, current
information is changed or old information has
been removed, the list is updated to reflect the
new situation.
# Touch
The traffic event information displayed on the
map is as follows.
Trafficflow icon andline
! Red: average speed in this area is slower
than 15mph (24km/h)
! Yellow: average speed in this area is be-
tween 15mph to 45mph (24km/hto 72km/
Browsing information on MSN Direct
Browsing information on MSN Direct