Symptom Cause Action (Reference)
You cannot position your vehicle
on the mapwithout a significant
positioning error.
Something covers theGPS antenna. Do not cover theGPS antenna with spray
paint or vehicle wax,because thismay block
the reception ofGPS signals. Snow buildup
can also degradethe signals.
Signals from thevehicle’s speed
pulse are notbeing picked up prop-
Check that thecables are properlyconnected.
If necessary, consult the dealerthat installed
the system.
The navigation systemmay not be
mounted securely inyour vehicle.
Check that thenavigation system is securely
mounted and, ifnecessary, consultthe dealer
that installed thesystem.
The navigation systemis installed
with an extremeangle exceeding
the installation anglelimitations.
Confirm the installationangle. (The naviga-
tion system mustbe installed within theal-
lowed installation angle.For details, referto
Installation Manual.)
Indication of the positionof your ve-
hicle is misalignedafter aU-turn or
Check whether ornot the reverse gearsignal
input lead (violet)is connected properly. (The
navigation system worksproperly without the
lead connected, butpositio ning accuracy will
be adversely affected.)
“Eco Graph” isnot available. The navigation systemis unable to
obtain past averagefuel mileage
data, so “Eco Graph” cannot bedis-
Drive about 10km on a roadwithout obstruc-
tions. Then parkyour vehiclein a safeplace,
turn off thenavigation systemand turn the
power to thenavigation system back on.
The map colordoes not switch
automatically between daytime
and nighttime.
“Day/Night Display” is setto
Check “Day/Night Display” setting and
make sure “Automatic” is selected.(Page
The orange/white leadis not con-
Check the connection.
The screen istoo bright. Picture quality adjustment of the
display is notcorrect.
Adjust the picturequality. (Page 169)
The display isvery dim. Thevehicle’s lightis turned ON, and
“Automatic” is selectedon “Day/
Night Display”.
Read about“Day/Night Display” setting
and, if desired,select “Day”. (Page 161)
Picturequality adjustment ofthe
display is notcorrect.
Adjust the picturequality. (Page 169)
No sounds ofAV source arepro-
The volume levelwill not rise.
The volume levelis low. Adjust the volumelevel.
The attenuator ormute is on. Turn the attenuatoror mute off.
A speaker leadis disconnected. Check theconnection.
The volume ofnavigation gui-
dance and beepscannot be ad-
VOL (+/–) buttonor Multi-control is
used to adjustthe volume.
Turn the volumeup or down using“Volume”
on the “System Settings” menu.(Page 165)
The person onthe other end of
the phone callcannot hear the
conversation due toan echo.
The voice fromthe person on the
other end ofthe phone call isoutput
from the speakersand then picked
up by themicrophone again, creat-
ing an echo.
Use the followingmethods to reduce the
—Lower the volumeon the receiver
—Have both partiespause slightly before