CLD-V5000 Level III • Chapter One
CLD-V5000 Level III User’s Manual TP 121 v. 1.0 • 1/96
1 Introduction
Please refer first to the
Operating Instructions packaged with the CLD-V5000, for
essential information about player operation and safety.
1.1 Scope Of Level III Manual
This manual is a reference guide to assist programmers and developers in using the
Pioneer Industrial Combination LaserDisc/Compact Disc Player, Model CLD-V5000
under computer control. It contains technical information to assist programmers in the
design and development of Level III program applications.
All Pioneer Industrial Laser Videodisc Players, Models CLD-V5000, CLD-V2800,
CLD-V2600, CLD-V2400, LD-V4400, LD-V8000, and the discontinued models:
LD-V4200, LD-V2200, and the LD-V2000, can be used as stand-alone systems. When
connected to a television or video monitor, they become self-contained interactive
audio-video retrieval and display systems for Level I use. They may also be connected
to and controlled by an external computer for Level III applications, often working in
conjunction with computer databases.
The player can also be connected to a stereo amplifier and speaker system for playback
of high quality digital sound. This is especially useful when playing compact audio
discs or LaserDiscs with digital audio.
1.2 Features of the CLD-V5000
• Dual sided playback of LaserDiscs (LDs). It also plays compact audio discs
(CDs) and compact disc video (CDVs). The CLD-V5000 does not playback
CD-ROM discs.
• Playback of digital audio or analog audio from LaserDiscs.
• RS-232C interface, compatible with the Pioneer CLD-V2800, CLD-V2600,
CLD-V2400, LD-V8000, LD-V4400; the LD-V4200, LD-V2200,
(both discontinued); the LC-V330 Autochanger;the LD-V4100 (PAL player), and
the CLD-V2300D & LD-V4300 (Dual Standard NTSC/PAL players).
• Built-in LaserBarcode™, LaserBarcode 2™, and Barcode-CD™ capability.
Use the Pioneer barcode reader UC-V108BC, UC-V109BC with either a
wired connection or infra-red signal.
• Wireless/wired remote control with the CU-V151.
• Fully automatic disc loading system.
LaserBarcode™ and LaserBarcode 2™ are Registered TradeMarks of Pioneer Electronics Corp.
Barcode-CD™ is a Registered Trademark of SONY, Inc.