DRM-7000 Operating Instructions
1.4 Security Features
To prevent erroneous or unauthorized use, operators must be able to enter the system
administration mode from the Control Panel. In order to enter this mode, unlock the
mechanism using the provided keys. This feature also guards against interference, conflicts
and clashes occurring between operations performed from the Control Panel and commands
issued by the HOST computer.
An alternative method is to issue a command from the HOST to disable the Control Panel. It is
possible to restrict the types of operations that may be performed away from the HOST
computer. If the HOST sends a particular series of commands, a person with the Changer’s
keys is still prevented from opening access panels, exchanging discs, or otherwise altering any
internal settings on the Changer.
The software (which controls the Changer and manages the upper-level database) carefully
monitors access privileges and disc locations within the Changer. As a further precaution, if the
software on the HOST computer (or a server in a network environment) is not controlling the
Changer when a disc’s status is changed, access to the Changer and the installed drives is
lost. Allowing discs to be removed or swapped freely also poses a security risk because of the
potential for lost or damaged media. Although discs may still be added, exchanged or removed
via the access panels or through the disc mail slots, Pioneer recommends that a System
Administrator handle these security-sensitive activities.
1.5 Large LCD Message Display
The Control Panel is fitted with a large 2-line, 16-character LCD that displays operation
instructions. It is possible to perform a wide variety of operations on the DRM-7000 using just
five keys.
1.6 Expandability and Improvement
Pioneer will be releasing a disc turning or flipping unit for double-sided DVD discs, a network
interface connection, a video decoder, a DVD-R drive and other optional components to be
announced later. The DRM-7000 is designed so that these new components are easily
installed and automatically recognized by the system.
1.7 Disc Changing Mechanism
The Pioneer DRM-7000 Changer uses the same disc changing mechanism as the DRM-1004
series. This mechanism has an excellent record of high access speeds and proven reliability.
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