09 Additional Materials
Mnemonic Command Name DVD CD VCD
?Z Firmware Version Request ‡‡‡
arg OS Through Out Select ‡‡‡
arg VP DVD VR Play Mode ‡
RM Repeat Mode Set ‡‡‡
>A to >Z General Purpose Register Set ‡‡‡
_A to _Z General Purpose Register Reference ‡‡‡
<A to <Z General Purpose Register Read ‡‡‡
QE Pass Through Status Request ‡‡‡
arg SK Pass Chapter/Track Skip ‡‡‡
Command Mnemonics
(1) Commands are expressed in two characters (ASCII code).
(2) Other than data for print command (PR), upper case and
lower case characters are not discriminated.
(1) Arguments are expressed in ASCII decimal code.
(2) Arguments are placed before their respective commands.
Commands requiring arguments will return an error code
if the argument is missing.
(3) Arguments may be of the following types:
1. Address
Title number, chapter number, track number, index number,
frame number, time code, etc.
The decision whether the address is to be treated as frame,
time, chapter, track or title is dependent on the setting
value designated by the address mode.
If a value is given greater than the maximum valid value, it
will not be evaluated correctly.
N1N2 1 (min) to 99 (max)
N1N2 0 (min) to 99 (max)
(computed as 1 second = 30 frames)
N1N2N3N4N5N6N7 1 (min) to 999999 (max)
N1N2N3N4N5 0 (min) to 599:59 (max)
(N1N2N3 Min N4N5 Sec)
N1N2N3N4 0 (min) to 99:59 (max)
(N1N2 Min N3N4 Sec)
N1N2 1 (min) to 99 (max)
Title number
Chapter number
Frame number
Time code
Track number
2. Integers
Express parameters for commands with arguments other
than addresses as noted above (SU, AG, VS, MS. . .etc.),
and are described in ASCII decimals code.
DRE1031C_En_074-091 06.8.25, 9:16 AM88