2 Use M.C. to select the desired filename
(or folder name).
Changing thefileor folder name
1 Turn M.C.
1 When afileor trackis selected,press M.C.
Viewing alistof thefiles (orfolders) inthe selected
1 When afolderis selected,press M.C.
Playing asongin theselected folder
1 When afolderis selected,press andhold M.C.
Advanced operations using
special buttons
Selecting arepeatplay range
1 Press6/
to cyclebetweenthe following:
! DISC– Repeatall tracks
! TRACK– Repeatthe currenttrack
! FOLDER– Repeatthe current folder
USB audioplayer/USB memory
! TRACK– Repeatthe currentfile
! FOLDER– Repeatthe current folder
! ALL– Repeatall files
Playing tracksinrandom order
1 Press5/
to turnrandomp lay onor off.
Tracks ina selectedrepeatrange areplayed in
random order.
Pausing playback
1 Press2/PAUSE topause orresume.
Enhancing compressedaudio andrestoring rich
sound (soundretriever)
1 Press1/S.Rtrv tocycle between:
OFF (off)—1—2
1 iseffectivefor lowcompression rates,and 2is
effective forhighcompressionrates.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
REPEAT (repeatplay)
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesettingmode.
2 Turn M.C. toselect arepeat playrange.
Fordetails, referto Selecting arepeat playrangeon
this page.
3 PressM.C. toconfirm theselection.
RANDOM (randomplay)
1 PressM.C. toturn randomplay onoroff.
PAUSE (pause)
1 PressM.C. topause orresume.
S.RTRV(sound retriever)
Automatically enhances compressedaudio andre-
stores richsound.
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesettingmode.
2 Turn M.C. toselect thedesired setting.
Fordetails, referto Enhancing compressed audio
and restoring richsound (soundretriever) onthis
3 PressM.C. toconfirm theselection.
Audio Adjustments
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select AUDIO.
3 Turn M.C. to select the audio function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the audio function.
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesettingmode.
2 PressM.C. tocycle betweenfader (front/rear) and
balance (left/right).
3 Turn M.C. toadjust speakerbalance.
EQUALIZER (equalizerrecall)
1 PressM.C. todisplay thesettingmode.
2 Turn M.C. toselect theequalizer.
3 PressM.C. toconfirm theselection.
TONE CTRL(equalizer adjustment)
Operating this unit