Scrolling titles in the display 26
Using compression andbass emphasis 27
Audio Adjustments
Introduction of audioadjustments 28
Using balance adjustment 28
Adjusting loudness 29
Using subwoofer output 29
Adjusting subwoofer (lowpass filter)
settings 29
Adjusting low pass filterattenuation
slope 29
Using the high passfilter 30
Adjusting high passfilter attenuation
slope 30
Using non fadingoutput 30
Adjusting non fadingoutput level 30
Adjusting source levels 31
Digital Signal Processor
Using the digitalsignal processor 32
Using sound field controland BBE
sound 32
Recalling sound fieldprograms 33
Adjusting BBE soundlevel 33
Using the graphic equalizer 33
Recalling equalizercurves 33
Adjusting equalizer curves 34
Adjusting 9-band graphic
equalizer 34
Using the position selector 34
Using automatic soundlevelizer 35
Initial Settings
Adjusting initial settings 36
Setting the clock 36
Setting the FMtuning step 36
Setting the AMtuning step 37
Switching the auxiliary setting 37
Switching the dimmer setting 37
Switching the RCAoutput setting 37
Selecting the digitalattenuator 38
Adjusting display contrast 38
Switching the telephone muting/
attenuation 38
Other Functions
Turning theclock display on or off 39
Switching the displaycolor 39
Adjusting the displaycolor 39
Using different entertainment displays 39
Using the AUX source 39
Selecting AUX asthe source 40
Setting the AUX title 40
Additional Information
Understanding built-in CDplayer error
messages 41
Cassette tapes 41
Cleaning the playbackhead 41
Music search and repeatfunctions during
tape playback 41
CD player and care 42
CD-R/CD-RW discs 42
Specifications 43