1 Play a CD that you want to enter the
Press a or b to select a CD.
2 Press FUNC and NEXT and then press
TTLin to select the disc title input mode.
3 Press ABC to select the desired charac-
ter type.
Press ABC repeatedly to switch between the
following character type:
Alphabet (upper case), numbers and symbols
Alphabet (lower case)
# You canselect to input numbers andsymbols
by pressing 012.
4 Press a or b to select a letter of the al-
Each press of a will display a letter of the al-
phabet in A B C ... X Y Z, numbers and sym-
bols in 1 2 3 ... @ # < order. Each press of b
will display a letter in the reverse order, such
as Z Y X ... C B A order.
5 Press d to move the cursor to the next
character position.
When the letter you want is displayed, press d
to move the cursor to the next position and
then select the next letter. Press c to move
backwards in the display.
6 Move the cursor to the last position by
pressing d after entering the title.
When you press d one more time, the entered
title is stored in memory.
7 Press BAND to return to the playback
! When playing aCD TEXT disc on a CD TEXT
compatible multi-CD player, if you switch to
this mode, Cant input isdisplayed and you
cannot input the title.
! Titles remain in memory, evenafter the disc
has been removedfrom the magazine, and
are recalled whenthe disc is reinserted.
! After data for 100discs has been stored in
memory, data fora new disc will overwrite the
oldest one.
Using disc title functions
When playing a CD TEXT disc on a CD TEXT
compatible multi-CD player, you can switch
text display such as artist name and track title.
When the text is longer than 32 letters, you
can scroll the text to the left so that the rest of
the title can be seen.
1 Press TITLE to switch the title mode.
2 Press the corresponding button to dis-
play the desired title.
Button Operation
D.TTL Displays disctitle.
D.ART Displays discartist name.
T.TTL Displays tracktitle.
T.ART Displays trackartist name.
SCROLL Scrolls thedisplayed title.
Button Operation
TTL1 Displays disctitleand tracktitle.
TTL2 Displays disctitleand discartist name.
Multi-CD Player