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Explanation of terms
Aspect ratio
The TV screen’s width to height ratio is referred to as its aspect
ratio. The aspect ratio on standard TVs is 4:3 and on wide TVs or
High Definition TVs it is 16:9.
This indicates a video signal in the form of a synchronization
signal added to the G (GREEN) signal of the R.G.B signal.
General term for “Video Graphics Array”.
Generally this indicates a 640 dot x 480 line resolution.
General term for “Wide Video Graphics Array”.
Generally this indicates a 848 dot x 480 line resolution.
General term for “eXtended Graphics Array”.
Generally this indicates a 1024 dot x 768 line resolution.
General term for “Wide eXtended Graphics Array”.
Generally this indicates a 1280 dot x 768 line resolution.
General term for “Super eXtended Graphics Array”.
Generally this indicates a 1280 dot x 1024 line resolution.
General term for “Super eXtended Graphics Array plus”.
Generally this indicates a 1400 dot x 1050 line resolution.
General term for “Digital Visual Interface”. An interface standard
proposed by the Digital Display Working Group (DDWG) for
digital displays.
Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple
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Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
NEC and PC-9800 are trademarks of NEC Corporation.
VESA and DDC are registered trademarks of Video Electronics
Standards Association.
Power Management and Sun Microsystems are registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
VGA and XGA are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Co., Inc.
Published by Pioneer Corporation.
Copyright © 2006 Pioneer Corporation.
All rights reserved.
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