1 Use Multi-Control to select frequency
and the Q factor display.
Frequency and the Q factor (e.g., F80Q1W)
appears in the display.
2 Push Multi-Control left or right to select
the desired frequency.
Each pushing Multi-Control left or right se-
lects frequencies in the following order:
Low: 4080100160 (Hz)
Mid: 2005001k2k (Hz)
High: 3.15k8k10k12.5k (Hz)
3 Push Multi-Control up or down to select
the desired Q factor.
Each pushing Multi-Control up or down se-
lects Q factor in the following order:
If you make adjustments, CUSTOM curve is up-
Adjusting bass and treble
You can adjust bass and treble settings.
! If EQ-EX function has been selected and
EQ-EX turned on and CUSTOM selected as
the equalizer curve, you can adjust bass
and treble settings.
! If SFEQ has been set to FRT1, bass adjust-
ment affects only the rear output: front out-
put cannot be adjusted.
! If SFEQ has been set to FRT1 or FRT2, tre-
ble adjustment affects only the front out-
put: rear output cannot be adjusted.
1 Use Multi-Control to select Bass (bass
and treble level adjustment).
Bass appears in the display.
# If the treble level has been previously ad-
justed, Treble will be displayed.
2 Push Multi-Control left or right to select
bass or treble.
Pushing Multi-Control left and Bass is dis-
played. Pusing Multi-Control right and Treble
is displayed.
3 Push Multi-Control up or down to ad-
just the level.
Each pushing Multi-Control up or down in-
creases or decreases the selected bass or tre-
ble level. +6 6 is displayed as the level is
increased or decreased.
4 Turn Multi-Control clockwise to select
Bass (bass and tleble frequency adjust-
Bass appears in the display.
# If the treble frequency has been previously ad-
justed, Treble will be displayed.
5 Push Multi-Control left or right to select
the desired frequency.
Each pushing Multi-Control left or right se-
lects frequencies in the following order:
Bass: 4063100160 (Hz)
Treble: 2.5k4k6.3k10k (Hz)
Adjusting loudness
Loudness compensates for deficiencies in the
low- and high-sound ranges at low volume.
1 Use Multi-Control to select Loud.
Loud appears in the display.
2 Press Multi-Control to turn loudness
Loudness level (e.g., Loud MID) appears in
the display.
Audio Adjustments