Operating Modes
nibble). The command length is available up to 16 digits. If the command
length is less than 16 digits, it fills with (00H).
Segment Play Command : Title 02, from Frame 3600 to Frame 4800
> 4020036000048007
BP Data Explanations
1216 + COMMAND_SRP #n a4H
+ 1 a0H
+ 2 a2H
+ 3 a0H
+ 4 a0H
+ 5 a3H
+ 6 a6H
+ 7 a0H
+ 8 a0H
+ 9 a0H
+ 10 a0H
+ 11 a4H
+ 12 a8H
+ 13 a0H
+ 14 a0H
+ 15 a7H
*COMMAND_SRP #n : Command #n Search Pointer
Outline of command : Command has these formats as follows.
DVD 4 digits command (sets the player, the video and the audio control)
DVD 6 digits command (sets the attribute control)
DVD 10 digits command (Chapter Search Command)
DVD 12-digit command (Chapter Segment Play)
DVD 14-digit command (Frame Search)
DVD 16-digit command (Segment Play)
The following four command functions in Command Stack are not regulated
in Barcode Format. These commands are regulated as follows.
1) End of Group mark: The first byte is (ffH), the others are (00H)
2) REPEAT: (49a3H)
3) WAIT: (4bxxxxH)
4) GOTO: (4axxxxH)
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