Tracking Adjustment [TRK command]
Input : TRKd1d2d3
Explanation: • d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
• Eliminates lateral vibration of displayed characters, shaking, and noises.
TRK adjustment
• A vertical line pattern in which the black and white lines change every dot as shown below is the
ideal for adjustments.
Contrast Adjustment [CNT command]
Input : CNTd1d2d3
Explanation: • d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
• Use this command to adjust the contrast.
• Use this command to adjust so that the contrast of the images produced by the MVP matches the
contrast of the actual images of the computer.
• Tracking may deviate in some cases when CNT adjustment is performed after TRK adjustment.
After adjusting CNT, adjust TRK.
R, G, B Gain Adjustment [RGN, GGN, BGN commands]
Input : RGNd1d2d3, GGNd1d2d3, BGNd1d2d3
Explanation: • d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
• GGN : Green gain adjustment
RGN : Red gain adjustment
BGN : Blue gain adjustment
• Use this command to adjust so that the white balance of the images produced by the MVP
matches the white balance of the actual images of the computer.
• Tracking may deviate in some cases when gain adjustment is performed after TRK adjustment.
After adjusting gain, adjust TRK.
Bright Adjustment [BRT command]
Input : BRTd1d2d3
Explanation :• d1d2d3 : Compensation data 0 to 254
• Use this command to adjust the bright.
• Use this command to adjust so that the bright of the images produced by the MVP matches the
bright of the actual images of the computer.
• Tracking may deviate in some cases when bright adjustment is performed after TRK adjustment.
After adjusting bright, adjust TRK.