DVD-V5000 DVD Player
RS-232 Command Protocol
h contact with an electrical ground (Pin 1). Check
Ch ents.
There re t W ti t TE ER R
1. To recall B ode mm Sta a ute
Th uncti GROUP 1 to STACK GROU 27, is combination
of remote control buttons to recall and execute a stack.
2. To execute the function as a remote control command
The function acts the same as the buttons (ENTER, PLAY, STOP etc.) o
control excluding SCAN FWD/REV.
DV V500 continues execute SCAN FWD/REV even
re e con rol is release But in case o TEND TERMINAL CONTROL, it s
to execute SCAN FWD/REV when button is released.
(In se o mote ntro elea g SCAN button” will not discontinue the
Bu cas of EX END ERMI AL, re asing SCAN switch will terminate SC
op tion.)
3. To execute as an advanced remote control button
Advanced remote control commands such as nu may be sent
as witc ontro omm d.
Note r a tional assist ce, p ease r fer to roduct Information Bulletin (PIB)
5260 DVD- 7400 nd Ja a Port ntrol
To activate a function, create a switc
apter 2 to verify pin (Pin 6 through Pin 13) and terminal (SW1 ~ SW8) assignm
a hree S func ons in he EX ND T MINAL CONT OL.
arc /Co and cks nd exec
e f on, STACK P similar to a
, n a remote
D- 0 when the button on the
mot t d. f EX tops
ca f er co l “r sin SCAN.
t in e T T N le AN
mbers from 10 to 20
a s h c l c an
: fo ddi an l e P
1 1 V a m Co
available on the c
ebsi under Service & Support – Business Solutions Products.
Pioneer Ele tronics
w te
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