(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Importing Songs Importing Songs from Music CDs
• Depending on the total number of songs selected, the hard
disk space that is required is calculated and the [Required
HD] is displayed. (The [Available HD] shows how much
hard disk space is free.)
Selecting or Clearing All Songs
Select All Songs: Click [Select All].
Clear All Songs: Click [Clear All].
Changing the Bit Rate:
Click the bit rate to set it.
• [Rate] indicates the bit rates.
Cutting Dead Air:
After clicking [Dead Air Cut], click the desired time
• Dead Air Cut is displayed in [Mode].
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[Refresh] Button
Reads the CD and updates the list.
Default Settings when
The bit rate is set to [128 kbps].
The dead air cut is set to [Normal]
(dead air is not cut).
Changing the bit rate settings
that can be selected
‘9-6-1 Setting the Bit Rate’ P.105
Changing the dead air
detection times that can be
‘9-6-3 Dead Air Cut Settings’ P.106