Additional information 07
Country/Area Code Table
Country/Area name, input code, Country/Area code
Anguilla, 0109, ai
Antigua and Barbuda,
0107, ag
Argentina, 0118, ar
Armenia, 0113, am
Australia, 0121, au
Austria, 0120, at
Azerbaijan, 0126, az
Bahamas, 0219, bs
Barbados, 0202, bb
Belarus, 0225, by
Belgium, 0205, be
Belize, 0226, bz
Bermuda, 0213, bm
Brazil, 0218, br
Bulgaria, 0207, bg
Canada, 0301, ca
Cayman Islands, 1125, ky
Chile, 0312, cl
China, 0314, cn
Colombia, 0315, co
Croatia, 0818, hr
Cyprus, 0325, cy
Czech Republic, 0326, cz
Denmark, 0411, dk
Dominica, 0413, dm
Dominican Republic,
0415, do
Estonia, 0505, ee
Finland, 0609, fi
France, 0618, fr
Georgia, 0705, ge
Germany, 0405, de
Greece, 0718, gr
Greenland, 0712, gl
Grenada, 0704, gd
Guyana, 0725, gy
Haiti, 0820, ht
Hong Kong, 0811, hk
Hungary, 0821, hu
Iceland, 0919, is
India, 0914, in
Indonesia, 0904, id
Ireland, 0905, ie
Israel, 0912, il
Italy, 0920, it
Jamaica, 1013, jm
Japan, 1016, jp
Kazakhstan, 1126, kz
Korea, Republic of, 1118,
Kyrgyzstan, 1107, kg
Latvia, 1222, lv
Liechtenstein, 1209, li
Lithuania, 1220, lt
Luxembourg, 1221, lu
Macedonia, the Former Yu-
goslav Republic of, 1311,
Malaysia, 1325, my
Malta, 1320, mt
Mexico, 1324, mx
Moldova, Republic of,
1304, md
Monaco, 1303, mc
Montserrat, 1319, ms
Netherlands, 1412, nl
New Zealand, 1426, nz
Norway, 1415, no
Pakistan, 1611, pk
Peru, 1605, pe
Philippines, 1608, ph
Poland, 1612, pl
Portugal, 1620, pt
Puerto Rico, 1618, pr
Romania, 1815, ro
Russian Federation, 1821,
Saint Kitts and Nevis,
1114, kn
Saint Lucia, 1203, lc
Saint Vincent and the Grena-
2203, vc
San Marino, 1913, sm
Singapore, 1907, sg
Slovakia, 1911, sk
Slovenia, 1909, si
Spain, 0519, es
Suriname, 1918, sr
Sweden, 1905, se
Switzerland, 0308, ch
Taiwan, Province of China,
2023, tw
Tajikistan, 2010, tj
Thailand, 2008, th
Trinidad and Tobago,
2020, tt
Tunisia, 2014, tn
Turkey, 2018, tr
Turkmenistan, 2013, tm
Turks and Caicos Islands,
2003, tc
Ukraine, 2101, ua
United Kingdom, 0702, gb
United States, 2119, us
Uruguay, 2125, uy
Uzbekistan, 2126, uz
Venezuela, 2205, ve
Virgin Islands, British,
2207, vg
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