15. RMD-V3104U, RMD-V3104A additional commands
[B command]
Form: Bh1h2ad1d2d3d4
Function: Controls the designated screen individually
Explanation: h1h2 :Screen no. (00~03, FF)
00~03 :Directly designates the VOUT port output (single screen)
FF :Designates all of the screens
0 0
0 1
0 2
0 3
Screen no.
a: Image input (A, C, *)
A: Input port A (selects option port input)
C: Input port C (selects video input)
*: Inputs that have been selected for each output terminal
d1: Magnification in the H (horizontal) direction (1~8)
d2: Magnification in the V (vertical) direction (1~8)
d3: Screen position in the H direction (1~8, counting from the left)
d4: Screen position in the V direction (1~8, counting from the top)
• The input port for RM-V1000N system processor video input is input port B
• Monochrome mode is usually cancelled, but by
adding ‘B’ to the end of the command you can
execute the command while maintaining monochrome display.
Magnify the A input by a factor of 2 in the horizontal direction and a factor of 2 in the vertical
direction, and then display the image in position 1 from the left, position 2 from the top on
output screen no. 01.