Voice commands related to hands-free phoning
p Youcan makea phone callby voicedialing if the cellularphone featuring Bluetoothwireless technology isbeing
paired withthe navigation system.
p For<entry’s name> shownon the followingchart, say thename of theentry storedin “Contacts”.
p For<phone number> shownon the followingchart, say thedesired phone number.
Voicecommands andoperations
Call <entry’sname>dMakes acall tothe entry(*2).
Call <entry’sname>generald Displaysthe message confirmingwhether to diald Say Yes d Dials thegeneral
phone number ofthe entry (*3).
Call <entry’sname>mobiled Displaysthe message confirmingwhether to diald Say Yes d Dialsthe cellular
phone number ofthe entry (*3).
Call <entry’sname>homed Displaysthe message confirmingwhether to diald Say Yes d Dialsthe home
phone number ofthe entry (*3).
Call <entry’sname>workd Displaysthe message confirmingwhether to diald Say Yes d Dialsthe office phone
number of theentry (*3).
Call <entry’sname>otherd Displaysthe message confirmingwhether to diald Say Yes d Dialsthe other phone
number of theentry (*3).
Call <phonenumber> d Displays themessage confirming whetherto dial dSay Yes dDials thephone number.
Make a calld Saythe phone number youwant to calld Displays themessage confirming whetherto dial dSay
Yes d Thesystem starts dialingto the number.
Make a calld Saythe name ofentry storedon “Contacts” youwant to calld Displays themessage confirming
whether todial d SayYes d The systemstarts dialing tothe number (*2).
List outgoingcallsd Display thelist of recentoutgoing calls (“DialedCalls”)to select thenumber and call(*4).
List recent callsd Incoming callsd Display thelist ofrecently received calls (“Received Calls”) toselect thenum-
ber andcall (*4).
List recent callsd Outgoing callsd Displaythe list ofrecent outgoing calls(“Dialed Calls”) to selectthe number
and call(*4).
List recent incomingcalls d Displaythe list ofrecently received calls(“Received Calls”) toselect the numberand
call (*4).
Findthe nearest dDisplays the category listd Saythe category thatyou wantto set toyour destinationd Displays
the listof candidates withnumber d Showme details for<the number thatyou want toselect > d Calld Dialing
(*2) Ifthe entry hasmultiple phone numberdata, selection listmay appear.In suchcase, say thetype ofphone
(*3) Ifthere is nocorresponding type onthe entry,the system maysuggestyou other phonenumbers ofthe entry.In
such case,say the typeof phone number.
(*4) Touching the itemon the screenalso enables youto select thedesired list.
Operating Your Navigation System with Voice
Operating Your Navigation System with Voice