Review Training Data
Review your training data in Training
files, Week summaries and Totals.
Training Files
Select Data > Training files to view
detailed training information on your 100
most recent training sessions.
When Training files becomes full, the
oldest training file is replaced by the
most recent one. If you want to save the
file for a longer period, transfer it to
To delete a training file, select Data >
Delete files > Training files and the
file you want to delete. Delete file? is
displayed. Select Yes. Remove from
total? is displayed. To remove the file
from totals, as well, select Yes.
Week Summaries
Select Data > Week summaries to view
the training data and results for the last
16 weeks.
To reset week summaries select Data >
Reset weekly summaries > Reset
weeks?. Select Yes to reset week
Select Data > Totals since xx.xx.xxxx
to view the total cumulative duration,
number of training sessions and calories
starting from the last reset.
To reset totals, select Data > Reset
totals and select Yes.
12 After Training