Traction Products
Another way to tailor your machine is to install traction products. See
your dealer if you about installing studs and/or carbides. Many tracks
with deep lug designs cannot be studded, but your dealer will be able
to offer advice and a ssistance.
NOTE: Polaris does not recommend the use of traction products on
WideTrak snowmobiles.
Use only Polaris traction products on your snowmobile. Track
warranties are void if track damage or failure results from improper or
excessive stud installation or the use of non-Polaris traction products.
If traction products are added to the track, wear strips must be
installed in the tunnel to avoid excessive wear.
Never add shims to the wear strip. Track damage will result
because of l ack of clearance between upper c arrier wheels and
Use of studs longer than 1″ (2.5 cm) on machines equipped with
center coolers will result in center cooler damage or damage to
the tunnel.
Loss of control can result in serious personal injury or death.
Proper balanc e of traction products on the skis and track must be
maintained to obtain proper vehicle control on hard-packed snow
or ice. See your dealer for assistance.