6. Place retainer on springs and install valve spring
compressor. Compress springs only enough to
allow split keeper installation and prevent loss of
spring tension. Install split keepers with the gap
even on both sides.
7. Repeat procedure for remaining valves.
8. When all valves are installed, tap lightly with soft
faced hammer on the end of the valves to seat the
9. Install the shims and buckets for each valve in the
order they were removed.
10. Check valve clearance with engine at Top Dead
Center (TDC). N OTE: Repairs such as valve
grinding or valve replacement will require
re--shimming for proper valve clearance. Use the
chart provided on page 3.20 to determine the
appropriate shim thickness.
Valve Clearance(Engine Cold):
Intake: .006I ( .15mm)
Exhaust: .010I ( .27mm)
+ / -- .0019I (.05mm)
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