Engine Oil
Oil and Filter Change (TM)
7. Place shop towels beneath the oil
filter (1). Using an oil filter
wrench (2), turn the filter
counterclockwise to remove.
8. Using a clean dry cloth, clean the
filter sealing surface on the
9. Check to make sure the o-ring (3)
is in good condition. Lubricate the
o-ring on the new filter with a film
of engine oil.
10. Install the new filter and turn by
hand until the filter gasket contacts
the sealing surface, t hen turn an
additional 3/4 turn.
NOTE: Thesealingsurfacesonthe
drain plug and crankcase
should be clean and free of
burrs, nicks or scratches.
11. Add 1.64 quarts (1550 ml) of the
recommended oil.
12. Start the engine and allow it to run
for two to three minutes.
13. Place the gear selector in neutral and set the parking brake.
14. S t op the engine and check the oil level on the dipstick. Add oil to
the FULL mark if necessary.
15. Dispose of used filter and oil properly.