Basic Operations
Changing Channels
Using the Channel Buttons (CH+ or CH-)
Press the or to changechannels.
When youpress the
CH+ CH-or ,the unitchanges channels insequence. You will seeall the channelsthat theunit has memorized.
Youwill not seechannels that wereerased.
Direct Accessing Channels
Press the to godirectly to achannel.number buttons
To select a one-digit channel: press the to input the channel number, followed by ENTER button or wait for some
seconds, and theunit automatically goesto the selectedchannel
0-9 number buttons
To select atwo-digit channel: pressthe to inputthe channel numberand the unitgoes to theselected channel .
To select a three-digitchannel: press the to inputthe channel numberand the unit goesto the selected channel(Only
in CABLEmode
0-9 numberbuttons
0-9 number buttons
When youuse the numberbuttons, you candirectly select channels that wereerased.
Using the LAST button
Press this button to switchbetween the current channel and the previous channel.
Adjusting the Volume
Using the Mute
Using the volume buttons (VOL+ and VOL-)
Press the or to or the volume.VOL + VOL- increase decrease
Using the MUTE button
At anytime, you cantemporarily cut off the soundusing the MUTE button.
Press the MUTE buttonand the soundcuts off.
To turn muteoff, pressthe MUTE button again.