23.Panelprotection---ThePDPpanel usedinthisproductismade ofglass.Therefore,itcan break
when the product is dropped or impacted upon by other objects. Be careful not to be injured by
brokenglasspiecesin casethePDPpanelbreaks.
24.Pixel defect---The PDP panel is a very high technology product, giving you finely detailed pictures. Occasionally, a few non-active
pixelsmayappearon thescreenasafixedpointofblue,greenorred.Pleasenotethatthisdoesnotaffecttheperformance ofyourproduct.
Important Safety Precautions (continued)
22.Powersource---Thisproductisintended tobesuppliedbyalistedpowersupplyindicated onthemarkinglabel.Ifyouarenotsureofthe
type of power supply to your home, consult your product dealer or local power company. For added protection for this product during a
lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the cable
system. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power line surges. When the unit has to be used with another power
supply voltage, the power cable must be changed. Consult your product dealer.The socket outlet should be installed near the equipment
and easily accessible. Use only thepowercorddesignatedbyour dealer to ensure safety andEMC.Whenconnectingotherproducts such
asVCRsandpersonal computers,youshouldturnoffthepoweroftheunitforprotectionagainstelectricshock.