
Section 4 - Camera Hardware
Page 31
wires connects to the CFW-6. The black wire of the three-wire group mates to the brown or
black wire of the CFW-6.
4.7 Battery Operation
The ST-7E/8E/9E can be operated off of a 12 volt car or marine battery using a the
optional 12V power supply or using a power inverter. We have used the Radio Shack model
22-132A, 12 volt DC to 115 volt AC Portable Power Inverter (140 watt) with good success. The
camera draws 2..2 amps from the battery with this inverter, which should enable an evening's
operation from a single battery. We recommend a separate battery for the camera; using your
vehicle's battery with the engine running may add undesirable readout noise, and using your
vehicle's battery without the engine running may result in a long walk home in the dark!