Using the Basic Features of Your Phone
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After you use a phone, be certain to log out of the phone to prevent access to
your personal settings.
To log in to a phone:
1 If the User Login screen is in view, go to step 2. If the User Login screen
isn’t in view, do one of the following:
— Press the Log in soft key.
— Press the Menu key, then select Features > User Login > Log in.
The User Login screen displays, as shown next.
2 Enter your user ID and user password, then press the Log in soft key.
If your login credentials are accepted, the phone updates to display your
personal phone profile, and the home screen displays, as shown next.
If you don’t know what your user ID and password are, ask your system
administrator. Default passwords are preset at the factory to the numerals 123.
However, your system administrator may have changed this for security
If your credentials are not accepted, the message ‘User login failed’ is
displayed, and the User Login screen displays again. If you need to confirm
your credentials, ask your system administrator.
To log out of a phone:
1 From the home screen, do one of the following: