User Manual V
IU 4350 Converged Network Appliance
3 - 68
If a given packet does not match any of the configured rules, it is dropped.
1. Select Firewall.
2. Enter the desired Advanced Settings using the table above as a guide.
3. Select Submit.
Remove Advanced Setting Entries
To remove an advanced firewall setting simply highlight the value in the entry
box and delete it using the keyboard.
1. Select Firewall.
2. Highlight the entry to be deleted in the Advanced Settings list and press
the Delete key on your keyboard.
3. Press Submit.
Traffic Management Configuration
Traffic management is required to ensure high quality voice and video calls
when voice, video, and data traffic share the same WAN link. Voice and video
traffic must be prioritized for transmission over data traffic to meet the
stringent jitter, latency and packet loss requirements for high quality voice and
video. The 4350:
• Automatically prioritizes voice and video traffic over data traffic to ensure
high quality voice and video calls.
• Maximizes WAN link utilization by allowing data traffic to burst up to full
line rate in the absence of voice and video calls.
Allow Hostwise
UDP (IP-Port)
Allows all traffic matching
the specified UDP port
numbers and the
specified source IP
*Multiple entries are separated by a space
*Port are specified using a - character. For example: for Telnet.
*Port ranges are specified using a : character. For
example: means port 23 through 50
*Classful IP addresses are assumed by default. For
example: uses a class c mask. Subnets can
be specified using the / notation. E.g.